Crawling - A Deep Dive

Crawling - A Deep Dive

For myself, the process of writing my latest alternative song "Crawling" has been a long and emotional journey. This song has been in the works for over two years, and it's easily the most raw and personal piece of music I've ever created.

"Crawling" is a haunting and powerful track that explores the painful aftermath of cheating and being caught red-handed. I've poured my heart and soul into every line, drawing from experiences of those around myself to create a brutally honest portrayal of the aftermath of infidelity.

Writing this song was a cathartic experience, as I channeled some intense emotions and thoughts into the lyrics and melody. The guitar riff in the intro is known in music theory as the "Devil's interval": a tritone that is supposed to make the listener feel uneasy. This, accompanied by the visually confronting album art of a spider, makes a truly unsettling experience for the listener.  

This track went back and forth between myself and my producer Glitchedout for years - it was actually the first song we ever worked on together. But with each revision and tweak, the song began to take shape, until it finally became the haunting and powerful track that it is today.

"Crawling" is a deeply personal and meaningful song that represents a turning point in my career. I hope that the honesty and raw emotion of the track will resonate with listeners, and that it will help others who are going through similar experiences to find comfort and healing in my music.



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